I can't really do the presentation I attended today with Rose, Magdaline and Joyce justice without lots of gesturing, shouting, eye-rolling and possibly an adult beverage. But some highlights:
(Rose was told that there would be a community meeting of women who would be getting a presentation on HIV by a visiting American woman. We thought it would be interesting to attend, so we headed over to the orphan home which was the site of the meeting. It turned out to be a training session for teachers at the affiliated school, but we were welcome to stay, so we did.)
The presenter was a seriously right wing Christian who was there through a "Pregnancy Resource" (read anti-abortion) clinic in Salt Lake City.
First, obviously, we must all be saved through Jesus, and having sex before marriage is not god's plan for us. So far so expected, once I realized her orientation.
But then she kept telling the Kenyans how America is depraved because we have rejected god, 80% of girls get pregnant in high school (not fitting well with her statistic of 18ish being the average age of first sexual intercourse), "don't get me started" (she said) on American kids, who uniformly don't like to learn and don't do homework.
Also, American parents don't care about their kids, and a very high percentage of parents lived in sin before they got married, and set a bad example of godlessness for their kids.
When asked by one of the Kenyans why we "allow" homosexuality, she said that it was caused by early sexual abuse and absent fathers, which were both signs of how depraved America is.
I was appalled and riveted at the same time. I'm really really sorry now that I didn't stand up at that point and say that hers is a minority view in America, and that science has proven otherwise, but I didn't. I think it was partly because I was there by invitation of Rose, who was there by invitation of the director of the school and orphan home, with whom Rose is trying to establish a professional relationship. Mostly, maybe, since I was attending a right wing presentation by invitation and choice, in the moment it felt like it wasn't my place to criticize. I think I was wrong once we got to the topic of homosexuality - leaving her ridiculous statements about America untouched was one thing, but when we got to homosexuality I wish I'd spoken up.
Then, the same guy asked about "swinging" - he was told about it by an American friend. She told the others that swinging was having orgies in a big group, and that although young people sometimes did it, it was largely American adults who engage in big orgy parties where "everyone is having sex with everyone."
THEN, they turned to a page in their workbooks that showed them how to have the kids do a mock marriage! Such fun, she said, and it helps motivate the kids to stay pure until marriage. They choose a bride, groom, parents of the couple, wedding party, menu. . . then they dress up and conduct a mock ceremony.
We then heard about how well her son Joshua has responded to the purity and abstinence training. He's a senior in college. He wears a "purity" ring on his ring finger, and his girlfriend Emily does, as well. She reminds him periodically not to do anything with Emily that would make her ashamed and guilty when she walks down the aisle with him next year, and reminds Emily of the same thing vis a vis Joshua. Sometimes when they're "out on the town" (yes, she actually talks like that. plus, Kenyans have no frickin' idea what that means, I'm sure) she calls Joshua to remind him about his purity pledge. Because that is what good parents do.
THEN, she tore into "women's lib" - I kid you not, that's what she called it. She doesn't care for it. It elevated women and tore down men, and now only weak men are ever portrayed on television.
OMG! Her talk was totally offensive, and I am a Roman Catholic as you know. How did you contain yourself Kathy ? I know... I know you were Rose's guest. The equivalent reaction to her words, would be throwing stones at her. geez and the saddest thing, is the audience does not have the opportunity to verify such blasphemy, is my guess.
ReplyDeleteShe gives Christianity a bad name. Ridiculous.
What a idiot.
Darn you lost your pictures, I look forward to when they get back up.
I too am glad I figured out how to comment ...
finally !
Most people believe whatever someone from a particular place tells them about that place, I bet. If a Swede came and told me a bunch of things about Sweden, I'd be likely to believe them and not even look it up, I think. So she just reinforced all the bad (and often untrue) stereotypes people have of Americans.
ReplyDeleteYou may get several comments from me as I'm having trouble posting!!
ReplyDeleteI was just saying that this IS very scary, and I think you're right--people believe "whatever someone from a particular place tells them about that place."
I wonder if she believes the things she says??
That's a good question, but actually I did think she believed it. All of it. Other Americans, including other Christians, who don't live up to her standards are "depraved", god is watching and judging using exactly the same measuring stick she does, sex outside of marriage is sinful. . . And she evidently thinks other people are having way more sex than she is, judging by the fervor with which she talked about "swingers" having orgies.
ReplyDeleteUmmm...I was told there might be "adult beverages" available?
ReplyDeleteNot without an ID!
ReplyDeleteHow about a Shirley Temple then? I'll use my own mixer.
Oh man, there are already so many harmful taboos about homosexuality in Kenya. I don't think those intolerant ideas need any reinforcement from someone who presents themselves as an expert. And since every study I've ever seen shows that people who take purity vows are equally likely to have premarital sex, but on average 70% less likely to use condoms, all in all I think she did significantly more harm than good with her talk.
ReplyDeleteLess likely to use condoms or birth control, with resultant higher unwanted pregnancies and STDs. You're so right!!
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