We pass through Chavakali on our way to Luanda - they have a pay toilet. Iko toilet means toilet here. |
Matt took some photos through the window at Priscillah's house , where we always meet. Basically all Kenyan homes have bars on the windows. Reminds me of what Elizabeth Warren says about how wealthy people (and really all of us) benefit from the taxes we pay for security, among so many other things.
Back in the kitchen, preparing our snack and lunch!
Chicken house/cage.
"Snack"! Eggs, bread, water and tea.
The meeting - we talked about challenges and accomplishments.
Then I gave out belated certificates, from their training in 2010. Certificates are really important, for stature and credibility.
From left, Pricillah's daughter Sarah, a currently unemployed Early Childhood Education teacher, DorcasJoyce, Lydiah, Eddah, me, Dorcas,
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