Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cadif - A terrific organization in Kisumu

Tuesday morning, 8 August

Flew into Kisumu from Nairobi on the 6:30 (am!!!) flight. A friend of a friend (thanks Penelope! thanks Angelika!) had introduced me to Steve Otieno, left, the founder and director of Cadif, and Rose and I met with him at his office.

Cadif stands for "Community Aid Development Fund International" and has an impressive list of projects and activities all designed to help lift people out of poverty.

This is the cermonial handing over of a donated computer to Wycliffe, right, a bright star who impressed a trainer of entrepreneurs who is now mentoring both Wycliffe and Steve.

Steve and I will meet again toward the end of the month when I'm back in Kisumu. We'll explore whether my sex ed curriculum would be appropriate for his group, and I want to find out more about their approach in working with commercial sex workers, which is a growing issue in Rose's area. In addition, he was introduced to Susannah, who has agreed to run a sanitary pad workshop for Cadif, and Steve is trying to find a nurse who will work for next to nothing at Vumilia's medical clinic. It's all about connections everywhere in the world, but it's REALLY all about connections here, where there are so few resources.

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