So, it's certainly amazing that I'm sitting in a mud hut with a thatched roof with an internet connection. But the blog entry I just wrote won't post because I evidently put in too many pictures without a strong enough signal. I'll sort it out tomorrow.
But having a connection was touch and go yesterday. I'd been without my 3G for some reason, and went to the Apple store in Nairobi yesterday. John, the guy working there, took out my chip, which wasn't working, and put his in. Instant connection. He then tried to get his chip out so I could go buy a new one, and the little door thingie wouldn't open! Ultimately, I bought his SIM card from him and he showed me how to top up my card on the internet, without needing to take out the chip. As soon as I get home, Apple store here I come.
Really though. I'm sitting here with my headlamp (no generator, broken) and all I can hear is insects. And maybe frogs. The pit latrine is a minute or so walk down along behind the cow stall on the edge of the vegetable garden. And I'm on the internet. Oh, and now a mosquito is buzzing in my ear. Off to find the repellent, and climb in bed under the mosquito net.
- and for my next life. . .
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