Monday, August 29, 2011

The Funyula Fish and Vegetable Market

Wednesday, August 24

Following Phylis around the market to get dinner is quite a visual and olfactory treat. There is fresh fresh fresh fish frying everywhere, and lots of yummy dried fish as well.

We buy omena (small fish, silver cyprinid in English, evidently.??) from this guy. These teeny fish always seem to be dried. They're really nutritious, a good source of calcium in addition to protein, and cheap.

These fish have been fried, but not cooked through, I think. There's no refrigeration, so a lot of already cooked, and also dried, fish are sold, along with some fresh fish.

Phylis is buying groundnuts (peanuts) from this woman, a relative of Robert's, I think. But everyone around seems to be a relative of Robert's. Plus, being "auntie" or even "grandmother" is no guarantee of actual blood relationships.

I love that her cell phone is in a 50 Cent holder.

These are sacks of chalk, sold all over. They are for women, especially pregnant women, to eat. When I described pica, everyone said it was quite normal for the women to eat this chalk if they could afford it. I'm wondering what if any vitamin or mineral deficiency this might be a symptom of. One article I read indicated that chalk is often eaten by people with hookworm, and that many pregnant African women (and lots of other people) have hookworm. An excellent reason to NEVER walk barefoot in Africa!

Spices. Eggs. Soda bottles refilled with interesting liquids.

Phylis's friend selling us some vegetables for dinner.

Beans, lentils, maize.

Fish frying in hot oil. On the road.

The road to Phylis's house. A guy transporting board/stick/branches. I'm never sure what to call these. They're rarely planed to be uniform, even for construction. But they've been cleared of small twigs and branches. In any case, dangerous to unwary pedestrians.

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